# IDEA 插件
IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.5 (opens new window) (2020.x版本下,有些插件会收费)下推荐几款效率可以翻倍的IDEA插件,撸码利器。
# Rainbow Brackets
Rainbow Brackets (opens new window): 彩虹括号,各种鲜明颜色的括号。
# EasyCode
EasyCode (opens new window): 代码神器,个人迄今为止最喜欢的插件,上手以后太爽啦。。。
# MapStruct Support
MapStruct Support (opens new window):This plugin gives some assistance in projects that use MapStruct to generate bean mapping code.
# Codota
Codota (opens new window): AI code completions for Java
# CodegLance
CodegLance (opens new window): Viewport position now calculates correctly for large files
# GenerateAllSetter
GenerateAllSetter (opens new window): 一键调用一个对象的所有的set方法
# GsonFormat
GsonFormat (opens new window): quickly to convert a JSON string to an InnerClassEntity class
# Lombok
# MybatisX
# MyBatis Log Plugin
MyBatis Log Plugin (opens new window)
# String Manipulation
String Manipulation (opens new window): Switch case (camelCase, kebab-lowercase, KEBAB-UPPERCASE, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, dot.case, words lowercase, First word capitalized, Words Capitalized, PascalCase)
# Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines
Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines (opens new window)
# 阿里代码格式化
的代码格式化程序,安装插件Eclipse Code Formatter (opens new window)。
接着导入代码格式化规约(阿里的格式化文件下载地址:https://github.com/alibaba/p3c (opens new window))
代码格式化快捷键 CTRL+ALT+L